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soldier and wife walking away

Connect to Step into Health

We have temporarily paused Step into Health registrations at this time.
If you wish to register to volunteer in the NHS to help support the COVID-19 response, please register on the GoodSAM App.

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How does it work?

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Through Step into Health, members of the Armed Forces community can connect to NHS organisations  to  set up training opportunities, clinical and general work placements, insight days and receive application support. The programme provides a dedicated pathway into a career in the NHS.

Who is it for?

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NHS organisations’ recruitment pages

If you wish to see what vacancies are available at NHS organisations pledged to Step into Health, please take a look on their recruitment websites.

Find NHS jobs

Why work in the NHS?

There are more than 350 clinical and non-clinical roles within the NHS. Whatever your background, previous work experience and qualifications, you can find something that is suitable for you.

NHS organisations recognise the values and transferable skills that the Armed Forces community bring and recognise their compatibility with NHS roles.

Find out more about the different roles available and access career guides on the NHS jobs website.

What can you expect from Step into Health?

NHS organisations that have pledged to Step into Health have dedicated people you can talk to about opportunities within their organisation. They will be able to provide more information on the careers available within their organisation, work placements, information days, give application guidance and answer questions on the wider NHS. We have temporarily paused Step into Health registrations on our system but please get in touch with us via if you have any questions relating to Step into Health.


Join the Step into Health Facebook group and ask employers questions, get advice or simply network with others.

Join the group
NHS Employers logo
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Step into Health has been developed in partnership with NHS Employers, The Royal Foundation and Walking with the Wounded.
Images used subject to © Crown copyright

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